
On risking the ‘unusual’…

Whilst this visual has been mounted upon my wall for some time now, there I was one Sunday morning, having just woken up, groggy and pondering life, when I found my gaze landing on this simple yet powerful statement. As I continued to stare at it, PING- that’s when it...

When belief becomes reality…

“You do not manifest what you want. You manifest what you believe.” Oprah Winfrey. This was quoted in my last blog piece, and I’m quoting it here again – because it is THAT powerful (can always rely on Oprah). So in my last blog I talked about how brilliant people can...

Decision making: If you don’t know, who will?

Here’s a question for you. What’s wrong with the phrase “I don’t know”? (PS, you can use it on this occasion). It’s a common phrase, and don’t get me wrong, sometimes we really don’t know the answer. What is the capital of Fiji? Or where would you find a three legged...