
Lauren Stoney

Mental Strength Training for 

High Achievers

Helping you get your OOMPH back

Providing no-nonsense, ‘fluff-free’ guidance, and science-based knowledge and tools to help you navigate life.

Through brain training, Lauren will tell you how it is and help you rediscover your zest for life.

Through therapeutic intervention, she will help you deal with the more sensitive stuff that is keeping you stuck.

Ultimately, whatever life is throwing at you, Lauren helps you get your OOMPH back.

Has your zest for life gone walkies?

  • Are you in a state of perpetual overwhelm and exhaustion?
  • Are you fed up of worrying about everything that *could* go wrong?
  • Are you dealing with a chronic issue that you just can’t fix?
  • Have you lost your mojo?

Hi, I’m Lauren Stoney

Mental Strength Training for High Achievers

I believe that you absolutely CAN be the success you want to see in the world without sacrificing your health

I’m a Polyvagal-Informed Coach and certified Advanced Lightning Process Practitioner; fully qualified in coaching, hypnotherapy and NLP (diploma, advanced & masters level), also holding a Psychology BSc Hons.

Having experienced and returned from burnout and autoimmune illness; held a high-pressure management marketing position, and Chartered Management Institute qualification – I am uniquely positioned to help high achievers overcome the challenges they face in today’s fast-paced world.

Pursue your passions without sacrificing your health

Discover the recipe for burnout and how to avoid it

It was a real, like, rollercoaster of sometimes feeling like you’re getting a bit better and then crashing down… just a whole mad list of various horrible symptoms, it was really debilitating… I’m just feeling completely different… like myself again… I’m reconnecting with all the things I love doing again… I’m just so excited for the future… I just have so much energy now, I’m so grateful to the Lightning Process and my teacher Lauren… she’s such an inspiring person…


Previous Long Covid sufferer

Work With Me


Rebuild health from Long Covid, fatigue and chronic pain using the Lightning Process


Bounce back from anxiety, overwhelm & exhaustion with one-on-one mental strength training.


Help staff to learn how to manage their health, wellness and performance through mental strength and training and tools.

What Others Say

I am a Covid 19 long hauler having been through Covid, pneumonia and being left with post viral fatigue symptoms which prevented me doing very much at all…

I now no longer worry about what I can manage to do each day. I have walked 8 miles in a day, I go out and don’t worry if I will have the energy to cope, I socialise as Covid permits, I dance regularly, a big thing for me. Essentially, I live my life.

I love the catch ups after the course is completed, I shall miss these when they come to an end but I feel I will have the process for life and always think of Lauren fondly who helped me at a desperate time in my life. Should I ever slip back I would have no hesitation in asking for some more help from her.

I would be a shadow of my current self without The Lightning Process. It allowed me to get my life back instead of being stuck in a very poorly state of health…If you are considering “shall I”? My advice would be – Do it!

East Sussex

I’ve had coaching form Lauren several times over the last year or so and she’s helped me make some profound shifts in different areas of my life.

In my business she helped me overcome my long-held fear of marketing, and a belief that I was rubbish at that side of my business. As a direct result of this I am now confidently doing lots of brave marketing on a regular consistent basis, which means my income stream is now a lot more predictable, as I am generating the leads I need all the time.

She’s also helped me overcome deep-rooted anxiety around different issues in my business and health, and this has enabled me to go out into the work and be who I am meant to be.

Lauren without doubt is a highly skilled coach with an innate talent for what she does. She was born to do this work and has a tremendously deep passion to help people live their fullest lives. We all have beliefs that don’t help us, and patterns of learned behaviour that hold us back – work with Lauren and you’ll never look back!


Working with Lauren, she’s an absolute first class coach… working with her is just loads and loads of fun, the three day course was an absolute ball and it was totally life changing…

It was without question the gamechanger in my recovery and Lauren’s just got an amazing ability to turn things into positives, to get you to view things in a different way, to you know to look forwards, she gives you loads of new ideas and strategies, and actually the support she’s given to me in the months after the three day event has been invaluable

It’s really helped me to embed all the new ways of thinking and just to get me over any little blips I’ve had since February and to keep me on track all the time- couldn’t recommend her highly enough, she’s without question brilliant at what she does and that combined with the Lightning Process is a really powerful combination.

Greater Manchester

When burnout hits eGuide by Lauren Stoney

The Excitement-Overwhelm Spiral

If you’re no stranger to shiny penny syndrome, you’ll know the excitement of coming up with new ideas can be a source of stress, as much as it can a source of inspiration and ambition. We start off excited by the prospect of a new opportunity, only to soon become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of work and/or ideas we are facing. 

Well. Fret no longer…

is the doing mind impacting your health

Is the doing mind affecting your health?

Boom. Epiphany moment right there.
was listening to a podcast on belonging when this quote just landed. Right there. Now this particular element was focused on the seduction of the ‘doing mind’ and how, when we slip into it, we find ourselves getting further and further away from the sense of belonging that we are all seeking.

Chronic pain - the whats, whys and hows by Lauren Stoney

Chronic pain: The Whats, Whys and Hows

Do you enjoy a good dose of pain? Nope. Didn’t think so. No one does really. But pain is very useful. It keeps us alive.

In fact, if we didn’t have the ability to feel pain (via our danger detection system) we’d be in a lot of trouble.

So how does pain work?

Pursue your passions without sacrificing your health

Discover the recipe for burnout and how to avoid it

Discover the recipe for burnout and how to avoid it

You absolutely CAN be the success you want to see in the world without burning out.

Download this guide to discover how you can shift your mindset in a way that will fuel your passions from a place of health AND productivity.

  • Understand the key mindset ingredients for a ‘good burnout’
  • Get added insight into the brain and why this stuff is so important when it comes to fuelling your health AND your passions

  • Learn new ways of thinking that will steer you into a more useful direction